Different types of Pollution Explained

 Different types of Pollution Explained

Pollution is a severe issue faced by our planet. Pollution affects us in numerous ways. For example, it is killing wildlife and affects our lives as well. Two types of pollution that I find the most serious are water pollution and air pollution. Each of these pollution carries its own causes and harms. 

Light pollution is bad because it’s hard to sleep and caused by building lights. Water pollution is bad because plants, animals and people die from cholera and other diseases from dirty water. To prevent water pollution, we should not take water for granted, and make a small difference, such as even stopping the tap when you brush your teeth !.  Noise pollution is bad because it is disturbing people and animals, even in some cases, hurting Eardrums. Don't just play obnoxiously loud music on speakers or honk your vehicles for no reason. And finally Air pollution is harmful because the noxious gases make you sick and the skies dull and grey. Animals and humans suffer even though we made it ourselves. don't smoke and instead of going on cars,  go on cycles or communal public transport. If you have to drive, bring more people and while you stop your vehicle, turn the gas off.

 In Hong Kong especially, neon lights everywhere cause an ungodly amount of people lying awake, wondering if they could catch a nap. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, smoke clouds the air, choking birds and other animals. Toxic Chemicals released into the air, landing in children, causing everything from a cough all the way to brain damage !  In the African nation of Eritrea, many members of various tribes have to walk hour after hour after hour to find a water well. That well that you have just spent hours walking to is severely contaminated with human waste, mud, insects, plastic wrappers and animal blood. Flies are buzzing right over. You carry the super heavy bucket all the way back to the village, and it is used for drinking purposes, which is clearly not even close to being sanitary at all. Drinking water in this state causes malaria, Cholera and even typhoid. In fact, every minute, Four people die due to waterborne pollution or disease. Noise pollution is annoying, but can be very serious in some cases as well. Let me give you an example. Your neighbours are blasting music at such a high volume, that even people on the floor above can hear it. You are trying to rest after a long day of work or school. Coupled with the sound of hundreds of cars horn’s honking, you definitely will get a Migraine headache and your eardrums might even burst, causing a serious medical problem. Another last kind of pollution I would like to mention is Environmental pollution. The definition of this is, any kind of pollution that directly harms the environment, e:g, the Amazon river being filled with plastic bottles, or the factories releasing toxins into the air, landing on animals, causing them to die. 

Thank you for reading.
